Cornelius, Lane & Mufti (CLM)


Projects and Energy

The firm has throughout been actively engaged in the energy sector and has regularly advised and represented both public and private sector entities. The firm was involved in the first substantial initiative for reform of the power sector leading to unbundling of the vertically integrated power utility entity.

 Similarly, the firm is also involved in the most recent initiative for reform of the power sector leading to segregation of the market operations from system operations.

The firm has the unique expertise and experience of advising the electric power generation sector as well as the electric power transmission and distribution sectors; and, has regularly represented relevant entities in contentious and non-contentious matters in various areas of their operations, i.e., power allocation and distribution; tariff and its various components as well as surcharges; processes for appointments of senior management in such public sector entities.

On the generation side, the firm has advised project sponsors of various public and private sectors power generation plants across different fuel types (thermal, hydel, renewables etc.). On the distribution side the firm routinely advises and represents distribution companies on all aspects of there operations. Recently, the firm has advised on sector-wide aspects of the distribution sector in the context of the proposed privatization of State-owned distribution companies. The firm also routinely represents and advises the public sector national transmission company as well as the public sector power purchase company. The firm is advising the first private sector electricity transmission company setup under the Transmission Line Policy 2015.

Similarly, the firm has also represented various private investors in this sector on various disputes both at the stage of expert as well as arbitration.

The firm has also advised clients in establishing greenfield projects in diverse sectors such as telecommunication, textiles, cement, power and energy.

In infrastructure projects, the firm regularly advises clients in the public and private sectors. Recent engagements include a multi-billion Rupees urban mass-transit project and a highway/fly-over project under the public-private partnership (PPP) mode on BOT basis.

In mining and minerals, the firm has recently advised a Provincial Government on the exploitation of its metallic mineral resources.